What It Means To Shine

October 6, 2012 | 10 comments



(Subscribers: Click here for the song ‎…)


“And I am the moon with no light of my own
Still you have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I can’t be a light unless I turn my face to you…”
~ Sara Groves

by | October 6, 2012 | 10 comments


  1. Shelly Miller

    I love Sara Groves, one of her songs is the inspiration for the name of my blog actually. Hope you have a blessed Sabbath Jennifer.

  2. Sandra Heska King

    I love Sara, too. And I love this photo. And I love you. You reflect the Son.

  3. Dawn

    Amen. Yes… beautiful.

  4. Anne

    Great reminder. Beautiful!


  5. Diane Bailey

    Oh Jennifer, I love this picture and the words to Sara’s song! Beautiful!

  6. Patricia (Pollywog Creek)

    Beautiful…and yes!!! We have no light of our own – but we are the reflection of the one true Light when our eyes are on Him. Have a beautiful Sunday, my beautiful friend. xox

  7. Sharon O

    Wonderful reminder. thank you

  8. Daniel Farrow

    I’ve been listening to Sara Groves since 2000, and what I love the most is that her songs carry the clear message of the Kingdom of God coming to this earth when Jesus returns. What a great reminder this song is. Thanks for sharing it Jennifer!


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