The One Amazing Answer for Every Fear You Face in 2013

January 1, 2013 | 21 comments

“Fear not.”

The Bible repeats that phrase 365 times — that’s one time for every day in 2013.

God wants you to know it, friend. He’s got this. He’s got YOU! And He’ll make you brave in 2013. I believe in you, because I believe in Jesus.

And I believe He wants you to know that truth down deep — that you have nothing to fear.

God’s words, “fear not,” were delivered to Abraham and Hagar and Moses and Jacob and Mary.

And to you.

You, with the fear tangled around her heart about what God is calling you to.

You, with the fear over the diagnosis, the wayward child, the impending move.

You, bleeding on the inside after the layoff, the lost love and the liabilities, all mounting.

Yes, there are fiscal cliffs and family tiffs and mountainous “ifs.” But God is bigger than your worst fear. God’s got it. And in the coming year, He’s got 365 different ways to tell you, “Fear not.”

But the words are not hollow. For every “fear not,” God offers specific and convincing evidence to empower our spirits and embolden our trembling little hearts. He’s given us a whole series of becauses (in bold):

“Do not be afraid, Abram.
I am your shield, your very great reward.” (Genesis 15:1)

“Do not be terrified by them.
For the LORD your God, who is among you, is a great and awesome God.” (Deuteronomy 7:21)

Do not be afraid or discouraged …
For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15)

“Do not be afraid,
for I am with you.”
 (Isaiah 43:5)

“Fear not,
for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name;
You are Mine.” (Isaiah 43:1)

There are a million earthly reasons to be scared of what’s ahead in 2013. But one reason NOT to fear: Christ in you, the hope of glory.

You were made for this friend. You were made to live on the other side of your fears, and I’m right here cheering you on.

Let’s say it together:

Last year, I put together my first-ever video blog. I’m reposting it today, a reminder that we’ve been equipped to step forward in spite of our fears… (EMAIL subscribers can click here to view.)



Do you have a word that is your theme for the coming year? If so, I’d love to hear it. Share in the comments! Let’s cheer each other on as we kick of 2013!

by | January 1, 2013 | 21 comments


  1. LuAnne

    Yes, yes and a thousand times yes!

    God IS bigger than your worst fear, my worst fear – than ALL fear!

    Great reminder, God Bless!


  2. Megan Willome

    Happy New Year, Jennifer!

    For the first time in a long time, I am no longer afraid.

  3. Arianne

    Oh wow, this is something that has crept up on me again and I’m so ready to revive my walk with Christ and put on my full armor of God again!! Thank you!!
    For the Lord’s thoughts are not our thoughts!
    Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ!

    New Year’s Blessings to you and yours!

  4. Kay

    And that’s why the Bible also tells us to “be courageous!” because courage is walking on despite our fears. I think we so often long for and wait for our fears to go away. But the truth is they don’t just go away, even if, like you did that days as you drove past your accident scene without flinching, we momentarily forget about them. Courage is facing the fear and marching on. And we have to be courageous Christians, don’t we? Seems to me, the longer I live the more I have to fear. Life becomes more fragile, the stakes get higher, I become more aware of just what all is out there lurking in the dark. My fears could easily multiply. But we have to grab hold of courage and refuse to be daunted by our fears.
    I love your video Jennifer! I hadn’t seen it before, so I’m so glad you reposted it. Have a blessed new year and know that I am praying for your daddy.

  5. Ro elliott

    Amen…and amen…walking through a most difficult lt time with a young mom/my niece. I feel like I am speaking these truths over and over to her…love how you shared these truths. I will be passing this along to her. happy. New year and blessings as we walk out of the narrow land of fear…into the great expanse of trust.

  6. Lisa Auter

    I NEEDED THIS TONIGHT, Jennifer. I am being swallowed by fear, panic, worry, resentment, anger. I needed to remember because, somehow, I had forgotten, that God tells us to fear not 365 times. What a marvel that is!
    I always name my years…. ever since I was in high school. I forget the names most of the time, but oh well. I know I was going to go with some name for 2013 but then I read Ann’s blog over at and reading about how she LEANS FORWARD into God….instead of being frozen in the moment, with fear….I really like that idea of leaning forward. It speaks of both depending on God and not being trapped by your past. So those are my TWO words for this next year: Lean Forward.
    Bless you, dear one.

  7. Lynn Morrissey

    Jennifer, I can be so fearful. And your video was so meaningful to me, because I have felt the very fears that you have. But I love your encouragement to move forward, straight into those fears, with God at our side. As fpr my word? This year, I believe God has laid the word “vision” on my heart. It has so many meanings. I’m asking God to give me spiritual vision and to open the eyes of my heart to see Him in all things. I’m asking, as an act of faith to see Him, Who is invisible and for courage to follow Him (one way to conquer fear!) I am asking Him to clear my vision and free me from sin and spiritual blindness. I’m asking Him to help me fix my eyes upon Jesus. I’m saying with the hymnist, “Be Thou my vision.” I’m also asking Him for a vision for ministry. Thanks for the opportunity to share, Jennifer. Still praying that God will cast out all fear where your father is concerned (and my mother) and heal them both! Sending you much love, joy, and courage for the year ahead.

  8. Carol Hulin

    Love the message and the video.
    My word for 2013 is “Do it” as in….”We will support you, so take courage and DO IT” Ezra 10:4b
    I’m gonna tackle this fear and go out and DO IT for Jesus….
    P.S. I’d really like to have my picture post with this comment too, but haven’t a clue how!!! lol

  9. Kris

    Thanks for sharing this, Jennifer. Fear is something i have struggled with for so long. Its better now, but some days I still allow it a foothold. I love your encouragement, my friend. Thank you for pointing us towards Him, towards the truth! My one word blog just went up today–it’s HEAL. I’d by lying if I said I wasn’t a wee bit anxious about what this year may look like, but you have reminded me that I need not fear, and so I go forward in hope for what god will do.

  10. Jillie

    Wonderful post to greet me this morning, Jennifer! “Fiscal cliff, family tiff or intimidating what if”…love that! Also love the thought of “Fear not!” Maybe that should be my ‘word’ for this New Year. I have ALWAYS been a most fearful person…instilled all my growing-up years, as my Mom was practically afraid of her own shadow. Consequently, I’ve never been a risk-taker. I have preferred to ‘stay safe’, but that can be boring. Maybe I could just start off by taking the risk of telling the important people in my life just how much I love them. By ‘being there’ for those who need a shoulder. By getting back to writing the personal notes I used to so joyfully send to others, to encourage them. Then I could move on to rock-climbing or something.:D

  11. Cindy Hamilton

    JOY! God wakes me up every morning, and I feel such an amazing joy to be alive….to be a wife, mother, and grandmother…..and to be able to do His work. God told me why He had healed me…… it has humbled me, but also filled me with incredible JOY!
    So glad to hear that your daddy is doing so well.

  12. Susan Stilwell

    FOCUS is my word, Jennifer. I had it last year too, and I’m hoping to do a better job with it in 2013 😉

    LOVE the vlog. Great job!
    Glad your dad’s on the mend. Blessings to you and the fam in 2013!

  13. Christina

    Yes! Just what I need to begin this new year, facing the future without fear because God is bigger than my greatest fear. My one word is “seek.” Blessings!

  14. Michelle DeRusha

    Catching up and just now read about your dad – praying for him and a successful pacemaker procedure tomorrow. Love you, Jennifer!

  15. floyd

    My favorite “fear” passage is Isaiah 8:13. Interestingly, I read it this morning with intention. Then again, I read it often. I have it written out by hand on a piece of notebook paper that sits beside my sink in the bathroom.

    It reminds me that when I fear things of this world that God is in control of I dishonor Him and give more reverence to the idols of life than I do He who provides life to all beings at every second in time.

    Good way to start the new year. Thanks for the reminder. Great video. Glad to hear about your dad, still praying for him. God bless.

  16. Cindy Newsome

    My main thought can be summed up by the Latin words “novum somnium” or new dream. I have been and will continue to pray for a new dream. 8 years ago something happened to me and that whole time in my life was my “dark time”. My dreams were gone (all because of my poor choices). Now I’m praying for the Lord to show me a new dream. Thank you for your words. I needed to hear this tonight.

  17. Lori

    That was awesome Jennifer, what a beautiful lady you are, inside and out! It was wonderful to hear you speak. I have followed your blog for awhile now, but hearing you makes me feel like I know you even more. Thank you for this post on fear. I have struggled with it my whole life 🙂 Lori

  18. Sharon O

    It was really fun to see you in person, well sort of in person. Good thoughts thank you.

  19. Danise Jurado

    Blessings of faith and no fear in 2013!! love this post and love you!! 🙂 blessings to you and prayers for your dad.

  20. Debra-ann

    Jennifer, thank you. I am finally catching up with my reading and your article was so timely. My word for the year 2013 is “Fearless”. My husband succumbed to a massive stroke in September 2012 and, for the first time in 30 years, I find myself facing those things (finances, noises in the night, arrogant auto mechanics & other service people, etc) on my own. After much prayer, I realized I am never truly alone and with a whispered “It’s you and me, God!”, I choose to be “fearless” as I go forward. As they say in VeggieTales, “God is bigger than the Boogie-man” and He is my shelter, my shield and my comfort.

    God bless you and your family — especially your Dad.



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