One Way — Every Day — To Know Your God is a “Sure Thing”

October 16, 2012 | 28 comments

The sun crept above the horizon, inch by glorious inch, illuminating the vast inky darkness with its glowing, widening terra cotta.

The girls and I were driving down to the school bus stop, at the end of our country lane, when we had to stop the car to watch.

In the driver’s seat, I gasped.

In the back seat, one daughter “Oooh’ed.”

The other daughter prayed out loud: “Thank you, God, for sunrises.”

Yes … Thank you, God, for glory.  Right here in our driveway.

It wasn’t even the prettiest sunset of the week. There have been others, grander still. But this one held a super-vividness, like it wanted to let us know that the whole universe is charged with the ability to praise an inventive Creator. Like God was booming across the fields, “Good morning, Lee ladies!”

And just because it was there — predictably, assuredly — we knew that we were utterly held and cherished.

I rolled down the car window, and snapped a few frames with the camera.

In the created world, there’s no such thing as “just.” No such thing as just another sunrise, just another dawn, just another breath, just another maple leaf, just another wisp of cloud, just another ice crystal. The created world is a miracle, every last glorious inch of it, because our God is not “just” another God. 

God brushed earth alive, coloring it with proof that He is infinitely grand and good. The sun reminds me how the steadfast Lord shouts down through the universe: “You are loved. You have nothing to fear today. For I am with You. I know what you need today, child. Feel this … feel the sun on your face, child. That’s Me, reaching down to touch you.”

We don’t worship the sun, of course, but the slow rise over these trees is a daily reminder of God’s faithfulness and  provision.  That one orb reminds us how ridiculously small we are, and how vividly gorgeous the world is, and how you have to be paying attention so you don’t miss some of the Lord’s more stunning God-incidences tucked into the everyday.

It’s the surety of His love. That’s what I see here. That’s what I see in that sun bumping up over  tree-lines. I see The Sure Thing.

Deep within every mortal, we ache for The Sure Thing. We crave tangible love that cannot be wrenched away.  God set eternity in the hearts of men, and we can’t bear life without knowing that there’s a forever out there for us.

It’s so elemental, so simple to say it like that, but it’s the sort of gripping, simple truth that gives people the only Hope they’ll ever really have that there’s actually More.

And we do believe in the More —

in the startling power of Christ, over and in all things.

that He was crucified, died and was buried.

that on the third day He rose again,

And that He is sitting at the right hand of God the Father,

That He left us His Holy Spirit, for this very moment,

And that He is coming again.

We believe in a greater joy that awaits us, a room being prepared for us, and a breathtaking setting-everything-right that puts creation in static anticipation.

And we get a sacred glimpse, right here, every morning, in the glow of God’s infinite goodness.


So glad you’re here today. We write in community every Wednesday about the God-Things that make you go, “Hmmm…”
Some call them coincidences. We call them God-incidences. And those goosebumps you get sometimes when you know the Holy Spirit is at work?
Yep. They’re God-Bumps.
Link up with us!





by | October 16, 2012 | 28 comments


  1. Sandra Heska King

    Lillee is here tonight. After dinner she looked out at the gray sky, the nearly leafless trees, the beiged field and exclaimed, “Look at the colors God made!”

    • dukeslee

      That Lillee … I love her. So cool. Thanks, SHK. xo

  2. Shelly Miller

    This is the last thing I’ll read tonight as I close down to go to bed and I feel a holy hush in your words. Like I want to bow my head and get on my knees in the knowledge that nothing is “just another.” Thank you Jennifer.

    • dukeslee

      Hi Shelly … Hope you had a restful night, and that your day is filled with holy things that are more than “just another, just another.” Love you.

  3. ro elliott

    Glorious words here about our Glorious God. These words just evoke praise in my heart…thanks…and yes…He is not Just another God. beautiful picture…blessings Jennifer~

    • dukeslee

      Thank you, Ro. I always appreciate your thoughtful words, and look forward every week to seeing what you share in community. I love our collective chorus of words to the Father of all “God-incidences.” 🙂

    • dukeslee

      My pleasure, Angie. Thank you for being a part of our writing community.

  4. Lisa

    Beautifully written!

    • dukeslee

      Thank you, Lisa… Nice to have you here this morning. Have a beautiful day, filled with reminders of God’s faithfulness.

  5. Beth Herring

    Praise God that He is not “just” another God! So thankful that He is the I AM!! I need Him daily. I need Him every second and every breath that I take and He is here!!

    Beautiful Jennifer..

  6. Jody Lee Collins

    Oh, Jennifer–a stunning photo and such powerful reminders–He is not ‘just a god’, to paraphrase you. Lovely!

  7. Nancy Franson

    No such thing as “just.” Love this. No such thing as: just another day, just another breath, just another step forward, just another sunrise.

    Each a gift, each given from the hand of my loving Father.

  8. Donna

    So glad to have “found” your place on the web. It was via MaryBeth at New Life Steward.
    Those moments when you are just in total awe of how amazing God really is…yeah, I’ve been having a lot of them these days. Thanks for the wonderful reminder that our GOD is not just another god :0)…enjoy the day.

  9. Lynn Morrissey

    This is so utterly glorious, Jennifer. You have wonderfully captured God’s glory in print–no easy thing to do. You always point our eyes upward. Oh! This reminds me of Gerard Manley Hopkins’s God’s Grandeur: “The world is charged with the grandeur of God.It will flame out, like shining from shook foil.” You have caught some of that brilliant morning shining in a beautifully written piece. I was recently struck with book-end glory when I wrote about the glory of one of God’s sunsets–not JUST ANY sunset, as you so passionately point out. Thank you for teaching us that there is no such thing as “just anything” where God is concerned. I might also add that you are not “just any” author. God has uniquely gifted you to continually reflect shining facets of His glory. Thank you for so faithfully heeding His call! Love, Lynn

  10. Laurie Collett

    So beautiful, Jennifer! Everything God created is a masterpiece — including you! Thanks for hosting, & God bless!

  11. Melanie

    On a day I’m feeling disconnected, this encourages. And reminds me this is not just another day. And he is not just another God.
    Opening my eyes to the beauty around me.
    Thank you!

  12. Pam

    Jennifer, you SO write what I feel… What you say about the sunset reminds me of how I felt about the butterfly I wrote about in my linked post. It isn’t looking to “signs” – it is hearing his voice all around us in these beautiful moments, unexpected or regular. I savor each word you wrote here… simply exquisite. Thanks…

  13. Laura @ Pruning Princesses

    Sometimes, wedged in this tiny city neighborhood, I miss the sky. I can’t see the sunset or the sunrise. The trees are too old and tall. And the houses are about two big jumps away. So I watch the tree across the street, sprout, flower and now burst into flames colors. It reminds me too. Letters almost done. So much speculation as the girls wonder about the girls on the other end. Love it.

  14. Jerralea

    I can see God so plainly in nature! I don’t see how anyone can look at this glorious world and not believe that He is the Sure thing …

    I loved when you said, ” God set eternity in the hearts of men, and we can’t bear life without knowing that there’s a forever out there for us.” So true and the hunger for the forever is growing every day in me.

  15. Alecia

    Not “just” another God, thank goodness, because I need an extraordinary God in my life 🙂 The sunrise and sunset is one of the things i love about being in the country, you have such a clear view of it here, and in Iowa, everything is pretty flat:) so there is nothing obstructing our view. God Bless

  16. Joe Pote

    I love sunrises! The beauty and glory of a new day dawning!

    And I love your poem, Jennifer!


  17. Leah Adams

    Such a beautiful reminder. I am striving to live in the moment…in the day…not grasping for tomorrow, but just today. thank you for helping me do that.

  18. Lisa Auter

    Beautiful, Jennifer! Just wondering – you must walk around with that camera handy all the time. 🙂 You and Ann Voskamp, both, because you both capture God’s perfect splendor in nature at the perfect time. 🙂 Love to you and the Lee girls!!!

  19. JoAnne Potter

    “we can’t bear life without knowing that there’s a forever out there for us.”
    Not only can’t we bear it, but we shouldn’t even try. Fortunately, we don’t need to.

  20. floyd

    “The earth declares Your majesty…” The gift of each day is good. Thanks for the reminder of His omnipotence. I stand in awe of my Father’s love…

  21. Nancy Ruegg

    I loved the phrase, “sacred glimpse.” It sent me to the dictionary to understand more fully those two words. “Sacred” means: dedicated or reserved for worship. “Glimpse” means: a quick, incomplete view or look. Sunrises and sunsets offer the perfect opportunity for moments of worship, to celebrate our incomprehensible, powerful, creative, loving God! Thank you, Jennifer, for stretching my mind and spirit today.



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