Logos, the God-Man

November 4, 2009 | 19 comments

I still remember the first time I read the words: “Jesus wept.”

I remember the crinkle of crisp pages turning, the settling into John 11, the finding of a Friend in the 35th verse. That morning, I read “Jesus wept” for the first time — or at least it felt like the first.

Maybe I’d seen Him only as divine before — on a faraway throne. Maybe that’s why the words leapt fresh off the page and stopped me cold. For the first time in my life, I became aware not only of His divinity, but His startling humanity. I was caught breathless by the tears of the God-man.

Jesus of Nazareth knew what it meant to feel his throat tighten in grief, that lump of pain rising to stop words. He knew what it meant to cry, to drop his head in his hands and sob until shoulders shook.

And I wept, too, overcome by a divine God who let salty tears run down his rugged Nazarene cheeks while he stood at the tomb of a friend.

And that morning, in the quiet of my living room, we cried together. For a moment, I was there, too, outside Lazarus’ stony hillside tomb at the side of a crying Christ, weeping for our losses.

Jesus wept with me. Dare I say, for me?


I fast. I pray. I slow to hear His voice. I journal. I sing. I nature-walk to see Him in sunrises and cornfields.

But of all the spiritual disciplines, none has affected my relationship with Jesus more deeply than this: reading His Word.

Because these ancient words … they are more than letters dropped on pages.

These words are a Person.

In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
— John 1:1

I find a Person in these words — a wild, fiery, unpredictable, holy, drop-to-my-knees-because-I-can’t-fathom-His-greatness, Person in these words.

This Word — this Person — sanctifies, unites, divides, teaches, soothes, afflicts, convicts, and loves with Letters afire on pages. These Words are wild Words, fiery Words. They burn the soul, ignite spirit-flames, set hearts ablaze and tears to sting.

They are sharper than swords, deeper than ocean depths. Someone once said these words were shallow enough for a child to wade in safely, but deep enough for any theologian to swim in.

I’ve waded — sometimes nearly drowned — in the Living Waters of this Person. This Person is a buoy, and I float within this ocean, walk on water with Him there, watch Him calm my storms, part seas, wash me clean, refresh this parched soul. And new, salty springs erupt at the corners of my eyes.

We weep in the Word.

I open pages to plumb the heart of Heaven Come Down, to know a Divine Expression with a name: Logos. To know a Person, I study a heart. To know God, I plumb the Word.


The Word is a man, the God-man, our Christ who shattered the atmosphere, broke into humanity and wrote letters on human hearts.

λόγος. I meet Him in Word. Do I have any idea of its power? I can hardly fathom.

He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood.
His name is called
“The Word of God.”
— Rev. 19:13


Do we have the courage to meet Holy God in λόγος?

Here’s where I meet Him; here’s how He ignites a fire in me daily:

  • Daily, I eat this Book, if only one Scripture at a time. Then, I look for ways to allow this Word-feast to multiply. Will I be a hearer of the Word, or a doer of it, too? Will I “eat this book” and let Christ turn these five loaves and two fishes into a feast for sharing?

  • I meet the Word in my tent and altar, a black canvas bag that travels with me. I’m never without His word, for it is my Daily Bread.

  • Journal and draw. I am not an artist, but I draw Scripture. It has brought new life to familiar verses. (A study-practice I learned last summer from Monica at Know-Love-Obey God.)

  • Place reminders of Logos around your home — by the kitchen sink, near the computer, at the bedside. Above door frames. At my back door, Scripture greets and reminds me every time I leave: “For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” — Luke 12:12

  • Invite His Spirit to guide you as you begin your study, and continue in that attitude of prayer. Ask for God to build a desire in your heart for His Word. Then quiet your soul daily to hear a Person speak within.

    Logos of God, speak. We are listening.

holy experience

This is part of Ann’s weekly series: Walk With Him Wednesday.
She asks us this week:
“What one spiritual practice has most deeply affected
your relationship with Jesus?”
Today Ann shares a beautiful post entitled:
Eating Bread: The One Habit That’s Most Changed Us.

Would you share a spiritual practice here in the comment box
… or perhaps on your own blog and join in this community
of Wednesday pilgrims?

λόγος — Greek term, Logos, for “Word.”

by | November 4, 2009 | 19 comments


  1. ~*Michelle*~

    I love what you are sharing here…..thank you for giving us a peek into your intimate time that I so crave to have myself with Him. Thank you for the encouragement to do push for it as well.

    This also blows me away:

    Someone once said these words were shallow enough for a child to wade in safely, but deep enough for any theologian to swim in.

    this was just a blessing to read…..thanks again.


  2. RCUBEs

    You just made John 1:1 more meaningful by reminding us that the Word is alive!
    "This Word — this Person — sanctifies, unites, divides, teaches, soothes, afflicts, convicts, and loves with Letters afire on pages. These Words are wild Words, fiery Words. They burn the soul, ignite spirit-flames, set hearts ablaze and tears to sting.

    They are sharper than swords, deeper than ocean depths. Someone once said these words were shallow enough for a child to wade in safely, but deep enough for any theologian to swim in."
    Powerful! God bless.

  3. A Simple Country Girl

    I cannot even wrap my brain around the fact that He wept–let alone my heart. Some Truths make me weak in the knees and ride my thoughts like a tilt-a-whirl.

    Graciously and eloquently you captured my heart here this day.


  4. Monica Sharman

    Yes, we dare say: For us!

  5. Lyla Lindquist

    I must admit that among the traditional disciplines, being in the Word must be the one in which I most readily engage. It is there that I can get my hands around Him . . . and in the next breath lose my grip on Him entirely.

    He becomes, there, as Flesh, both attainable and incomprehensible. I see Him in His closeness to me, yet also in the heights of His greatness and majesty.

    And that leaves me both painfully and joyously aware that I am, though in such a state of wretchedness (that's just for you), also so very deeply treasured.

    How else do we do this without seeing λόγος become flesh and dwell among us

  6. Rose

    All I can say to this excellent post is AMEN!!!

  7. Charity Singleton

    I knew it . . . I knew when I decided to blog with Ann that you and I would choose the same displine that most helps us know Jesus. It's because we are WORD women! So great to read your perspective on that Word of His. Blessings!

  8. Rosario

    Jennifer, I enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for sharing with us each week.

  9. Candace Jean July 16

    This post leaves me in awe and wordless. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Amber

    This was beautiful!! I absolutely need to get more into the Word. This is a beautiful post!!!

  11. KEE

    Beautifully written.
    And I'm convicted and inspired by your words.
    I don't meditate on or even read that precious book like I should.

    You have given me ideas and inspiration to get back in the word and draw closer to HIM.

    Thank you my friend.

  12. elizabeth

    I too never leave my house with what I call my "Jesus-date bag"-(leather bag with Bible and journal. Your words captured my heart and what I think and feel.

  13. Cherie

    I would have to say that the practice of filling the background of my days with Christian radio or cds has really had an impact on my walk with Christ. Music that is based on scripture finds it's way into my heart and leaves it's beautiful mark even as I work in my home or at work or as I drive.

    I would have to agree with you though Jennifer that nothing really substitutes just getting into the word. God always shows up there!

  14. Warren Baldwin

    Great post! I love this story and the emotion present. I like the phrase in John 11:33 – Jesus was "deeply moved in spirit." What was Jesus disturbed at? That is a neat study, one I know you will love to pursue!

  15. christy rose

    Jesus is the Word of God! The revelation of who He is! He speaks forth the will of God and the Bible is the written form of His spoken words. Amen! To know Him is to spend time with Him allowing Who He is to transform our lives. That happens as we partake of the Word that He has spoken and let it nourish us! I would say that I have always been a Word girl! I study and teach regularly. But the thing that has transformed my life was when I began to recognize that it is not the words that we should be interested in as much as the Man behind the Words! They reveal Him! He is the One we search for when we dive in and look for Truth! He is the answer to every problem that arises. And, as I began to look into the Word to find Jesus and not information about Him, my life was radically transformed by the relationship that grew between He and I.
    Great post Jennifer!

  16. Jennifer

    I agree with you, Jennifer–I have found nothing greater than being in the Word, nothing that feeds my soul more and leaves me gasping in wonder.

  17. Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience

    Your words honor Him, The Word…
    so beautifully.

    My, I appreciate you.
    In so many ways.

    All, all my love,

  18. TUC

    Super great post. I was just thinking about that little amazing verse.

    My fav spiritual practice: Every so often I get to walk and pray through a spiritual labyrinth and it is always the most powerful interaction with God.

  19. Lisa notes...

    What a beautiful post. "The Word is a man." Yes indeed. Thanks for putting these "words" down for us to read and enjoy along with the Living Word.


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