Enter a simpler way of living by unhurrying your heart
Now Available

We long to make a break from the fast pace of life…
But if we’re honest, we’re afraid of what we’ll miss if we do. Yet when going big and hustling hard leaves us stressed, empty, and out of sorts, perhaps this can be our cue to step into a far more satisfying, sustainable pace. In this crafted, inspiring read, beloved author Jennifer Dukes Lee offers a path to unhurried living by returning to the rhythm of the land and learning the ancient art of Growing Slow. Jennifer was once at breaking point herself, and tells her story of rude awakening to the ways her chosen lifestyle of running hard, scaling fast, and the neverending chase for results was taking a toll on her body, heart, and soul. But when she finally gave herself permission to believe it takes time to grow good things, she found a new kind of freedom. With eloquent truths and vivid storytelling, Jennifer reflects on the lessons she learned from living on her fifth-generation family farm and the insights she gathered from the purposeful yet never rushed life of Christ. Growing Slow charts a path out of the pressures of bigger, harder, faster, and into a more rooted way of living where the growth of good things is deep and lasting.
Following the rhythms of the natural growing season, Growing Slow will help you:
- Find the true relief that comes when you stop running and start resting in Jesus
- Learn practices for unhurrying your heart and mind every day
- Let go of the pressure and embrace the small, good things already bearing fruit in your life
- And engage slow growth through reflection prompts and simple application steps
Also available for Order NOW
In this Bible study, which accompanies a trade book by the same name, Jennifer Dukes Lee helps readers dig deep into Scripture to reveal how land is a picture of our slow growth into claiming the promises of God.
Listen to the first Chapter…
What others are saying…
My word (phrase) of the year for 2020 was ‘Grow Slow’. I can’t tell you how much I wish I’d had this book to lead me into those risky, restful, and fruitful days. It’s where striving makes way for joy, where change takes root, and abundance blossoms in front of our eyes.
Sometimes our most important work is not what we do but what we finally learn to undo. With kindness and honesty, Jennifer Dukes Lee unfolds for us the spiritual discipline of un-hurrying our lives, from the way we spend our time to the way we define success.
With a unique grace and time-tested wisdom, Jennifer escorts readers through the uncomfortable and often undesired journey of growing slow — because this is a journey she knows is foundational to consistently living out a beautiful life through every season.
This is Jennifer’s best book yet. As I worked my way through these pages, I noticed my breathing slowed, my muscles relaxed, and I sensed the invitation to look around a note all that’s right in my world. We’ve bought a lie and it’s cost us our very lives. And here it is: that God insists on and is somehow impressed by a flurry of activity and productivity.
Growing Slow is a timely word for a tired and worn out generation. In an age where the mindset of hustle and hurry leads us to burnout and exhaustion, Jennifer Dukes Lee invites us to the Ancient Way of Jesus—of growing slowly by His grace.
All the hustle and all the hurry never gets us one quick-step closer to the things we value most: love, connection, and meaning. From the opening chapters of Growing Slow, Jennifer Dukes Lee invites us to slow down and embrace everything we’ve worn ourselves ragged chasing after. From beginning to end, Growing Slow is one big, sweeping aha-moment!

Meet Jennifer