Welcome, friends of COMPEL!

Dear friends,
It has been my great joy to spend these last few weeks with you, learning from one another as we go through Growing Slow together. I know firsthand how hard it can be to stay focused on the right things while writing books, drawing up marketing plans, growing social media platforms, and doing all the other things that we do as authors. That’s why I need friends in my life to remind me where to keep my eyes fixed: right on Jesus!

I adore you women, and I believe in you so much! So I asked our team here at JenniferDukesLee.com to create three lockscreens that you can download for your phone, to help you remember why you’re writing in the first place — and Who you’re writing for. You can pick your favorite, or download all three and trade them out when you need a fresh reminder.


P.S. — Click on the links below for lockscreen 1, 2, or 3. You’ll be directed to a Google Drive folder where you can download each file separately.

For lockscreen #1, click here.

For lockscreen #2, click here.

For lockscreen #3, click here.

P.S. – Have you enjoyed Growing Slow so far? Perhaps a friend, mom, daughter, or sister would enjoy it, too. Pick up a copy of the book wherever you shop for books.

You can find the book here on the Proverbs 31 store, and here on Amazon.

You can purchase the Growing Slow Bible Study here.

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