Why We Visit the Lonely

March 26, 2010 | 22 comments

When spring has come, but curtains stay drawn,
When sun is up, but she can’t see the dawn,
When hope is calling, and he cannot heed it,
We bring peace and love to the lonely who need it.

— Jennifer

This morning we load the van with the grass-bedded baskets and the hand-drawn cards. Yes, it’s just a few baskets, just a few foam crosses from Hobby Lobby, just a few pieces of chocolate.

But there’s more. For we are handing out hope.

We deliver Jesus, the antidote to loneliness.

“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever. … I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”
— John 15:16, 18

The most terrible poverty is loneliness,
and the feeling of being unloved.”
Mother Teresa

Dear friend, Do you know of someone behind the shuttered windows? Could you deliver hope to a doorstep today? Or — sweet soul — are you that someone in the dimmed room, the one who sees spring breaking forth on the outside, yet you feel all dead-of-winter on the inside? Today, I pray for you — that you may know anew that Jesus did not leave you as an orphan, but that he gives you His Spirit. I send you my love. On this day, my prayers are for you.

PHOTOS: Easter baskets made by the children of Our Savior’s Church Sunday School. We made them for shut-ins and nursing-home residents who are unable to come to church. We remind them that they are never alone, because Jesus gave us His Holy Spirit (Christ in us).

by | March 26, 2010 | 22 comments


  1. Andrea

    What a beautiful blessing you will be, today! I know first hand what a difference it makes. Three of our dogs are therapy dogs and we use them in the hospitals and nursing homes. It is amazing how much comfort their visit brings to these folks…many who can not even go outside…some miss their animals..and some just need love and encouragement no matter what means it comes from.
    Blessings, andrea

  2. Kelly Langner Sauer

    oh, beautiful mission; this makes me feel less lonely, and you're not even coming to see me!

  3. A Simple Country Girl

    You wrote words that reflect my heart today! Isn't God's timing great?

    Thank you for shining a Light on my path. 😉


  4. RissaRoo

    What a wonderful thing to do! It's so easy to bring a little joy into people's lives, yet so easy to forget that we have the ability to do so, too. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Warren Baldwin

    "What you do for the least of my brothers (or sisters) …"

    Good reminer of critically important ministry opportunities.


  6. Billy Coffey

    It both amazes and saddens me how many lonely people there are in this world. Many of whom are surrounded by people. Loved this, Jennifer.

  7. KJ

    Great idea!

    We are going to visit my 91 year old grandma in a few days and I was wondering what to bring her…she doesn't need much these days any way but, I nice home made Easter basket would be perfect.

  8. Beth E.

    This is wonderful, Jennifer! What a loving gesture for those who need comfort, and the reminder that they are loved.

    You are a blessing to so many…including me!

  9. S. Etole

    so much gift in this post …

  10. ~*Michelle*~

    Oh, I can only imagine the joy you are spreading today….how the angels are rejoicing!

  11. Faith Imagined

    What beautiful baskets! They will definitely brighten someone's day!

  12. LisaShaw

    This is touching, tender, beautiful and powerful…you have a very caring heart! Jesus' loves shines through you.

    Our hearts agree. Reaching out to the lonely and the hurting in His Name is so humbling and it's what we should do as Christians.

    Thank you for being an example of His love!

  13. Marty Duane

    I'm going to take some flowers to an elderly lady tomorrow because of this post. Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Kristine

    This is beautiful and a reminder of what we are meant to share with others…love.

  15. Rose

    Jennifer, those baskets are so precious for more reasons than one. We do something similar at our church for all those in nursing homes, because most of them are forgotten by their families. Amen to letting them know they are not alone!

  16. Carol

    How sweet! I know they will love it! Just wanted to stop by and welcome you to the Cafe. I'm so glad you are on board! 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  17. Rachel B

    Wow, what a great idea! I'm thinking my 3 year old and I should get busy making some baskets this week. What a great way to minister to those lonely souls. Thanks for sharing this.

    My first time visiting your blog. I too am a Iowa Farmer's wife. It's a good life, isn't it?! 😉

    Will be back to visit again. 🙂

  18. Kristen Love

    God Bless you-what a wonderful idea!

  19. Keystone

    If you really want someone to listen to you, find a deaf person, or hard of hearing.
    We thrive on listening, for hearing is out of our reach. Listening is not out of our reach.

    I was digging through old books last night and came across a relevant passage to this post today.
    Jeanne Doering wrote in 1982 on Silent Love in her book "The Power of Encouragement".

    I love the paragraphs titled "The Cost of Listening":

    "Sharing griefs and hurts takes time, but being willing to provide that time is a mark of spiritual maturity. One man says he has learned to save up chunks and pieces of time to give away to people as tithes of himself. Thus when people interrupt him or need someone to talk to, his focus can go to their spiritual needs instead of to his deadlines.

    Later the Bible is quoted.
    "I love the Lord, because He hears
    My voice and my supplications"
    —Psalm 116:1

    We listen…..for HE listens to us.
    We visit…..for HE visits us.

  20. Sara

    My boys made the same crosses. They sent one to my Gram, she was holding it when she went home to dance with Jesus. Thank you for the sweet reminder today.

    And I love your RED kitchen bricks as well. I'll draw a winner this Thursday for the giveaway.


    Red strawberries my fav,

  21. Laura

    Oh, this is just beautiful, Jennifer! We do something similar at our church, but since I no longer work with the littles, you have inspired me to do the same on my own. I know just the one I will gift.

    Thank you, and Happy Holy Week!

  22. Karen

    What a sweet poem and a sweet ministry…may our eyes and ears always be open and our hands extended to those who need us…it is the very least we can do…even the smallest gesture, when done in love, can provide the biggest gift of hope for someone in need…


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