
January 8, 2010 | 22 comments

God tipped the snowglobe, and let flakes fall fresh and fast and furious. He frosted our fields and homes like an earthen cake. We’re encased in a sub-zero orb of white — where I can barely make out the line separating land from sky. Southern-sky sundogs are the candles on this cake.

I haven’t left the house in four days. My favorite farmer brings the tractor to move the snow — this is what we harvest on January days in Iowa — but the wind retaliates by blowing thick white fingers over plowed passageways.

So we wrap ourselves in a weeklong pajama party, and look out windows, and watch our world blow wild atop a downy cover.

The phone rings, and it’s my oldest sister. I catch my breath.

How will she get home in this? Surely she won’t drive, and the younger sister wonders if the older one will listen.

Her plane is due in the city at 1:00 p.m. but, she asks, are the roads good enough to make it home?

We tell her no, no. No!
But if she could just get here,
if she could just make it the thirty miles from runway to driveway
through drifts on the road out front and
up our long country lane
we’d have a warm place waiting for her.

So we pray and wait. And the farmer cuts another path up to the house.

Soon, our door swings open, and in comes the warmth of a sister. And we embrace in the answered prayer. She’s here.

She’s come in from the cold — this wildly beautiful white world decorated from heavenly storehouses.

And together, we do what God did: We frost our world.

“May the favor of the Lord rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us —
yes, establish the work of our hands.
— Psalm 90:17

This weekend, may you throw off the cold, and wrap in the warmth of God’s favor. If you’re snowed in like we are, may He wildly bless the work of your hands. And if you’re not snowed in? Well, … may He do the same!

Now go … frost your world.

My love to you, warm-hearted friends …
— Jennifer

by | January 8, 2010 | 22 comments


  1. jasonS

    This is so great. Thank you for celebrating (beautifully) the miracles of the everyday and then sharing it with us. 🙂 Blessings!

  2. HisFireFly

    This post was as breathtaking and refreshing as the snow.

    Stay wrapped in the warmth of His love.

  3. Carol

    Your words are always so wonderful…just like you my friend. Stay warm and hug your babies!

  4. Kelly Langner Sauer

    I love it. Thank you for sharing your warm! I have a batch of sweet roll dough to make that has been calling my name since the week my baby was born… Frosting indeed… 😉

  5. Wylie

    I LOVE this! Woderful!

  6. ~*Michelle*~

    Ahhhhhhhh, this just warmed my soul.

  7. Daune

    I love the jammies and juicy cheeks! I remember those days in Alden, NY, on the 100 acre farm with twin babies…and the foxes drifting through the blowing snow. Memories of His faithfulness to us, bringing family near to love and stay warm together.
    You and your writing are a gift…thanks, friend.

  8. Carey

    So glad "big sis" made it home to your home. Enjoy!!

  9. Karen


  10. Rose

    Once again you have drawn me into your world with your beautiful words. I just love the photo of the sun and snow.
    The kids look like they are having so much fun.
    Thanks for sharing your snowglobe world with us!
    Stay warm and be blessed.

  11. Bina @ Bina's Pad

    Oh so many thoughts:
    1 – snow looks fun…and I say that as I sit in my shorts in the 76 degree SouCal day.
    2 – the frosting looks yummy as I sat staring at the creamy chocolate-ness…my post today would explain that desire calling! 🙂
    3 – so glad your sister made it safely and that you are radiating in the warmth of her love!!
    4 – your joy is contagious…and that is why I love you so! 🙂

    Many warm hugs sent your way,

  12. Kay

    Ahhh Jennifer, your words relax me. Just beautiful. If I can get my home out from underneath its current frosting of dirty laundry, shoes that litter the floors, mail on the countertops, dishes in the sink, and towels on the bathroom floors, I promise I will do my best to then frost it with a little love. I've just really let things go this week and so I must do a little crumbing of the cake before I can frost it!

  13. Missy

    I love your writing; it is so beautiful.

    Looks like you had fun with the frosting. =)

  14. Amber

    enjoy every minute of the snow!! we sure do.

  15. hope42day

    Love that 'go frost your world!' It makes the wintery weather so much warmer, especially when the love glowing from our hearts touches another…so glad your sister arrived safely. Enjoy this time snowed in and have fun!!!

  16. Beth E.

    Beautifully written, Jennifer! I've missed visiting your blog. Your words always bless me.

    Older sisters are the best! No, I don't have one…I AM one! 😉 haha

    Have a great weekend!

  17. Lyla Lindquist

    No, no, NO! I just totally missed the point, I know this.

    But man, sticky? Look at Anna and Lydia's hands. You have to post warnings for me before putting up photos like that.

    Now, pardon me while I go wash up. My keyboard seems gummy and I'm starting to shake.


  18. Lyla Lindquist

    My comment was followed shortly by a close call with an ice cream bar and my keyboard, I'll have you know. Hands and pants are now way sticky…

  19. Jennifer

    I love your message, but I'm still stuck on the image of my 2 sons frosting the whole house. 🙂

  20. Deidra

    Weren't those sundogs amazing?

    Be warm this weekend!

  21. Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife

    I think I'll make some biscotti and scrapbook on this wonderful, winter day!

    My favorite firefighter is out of town this weekend, so it's just me and the kiddos.

  22. Shirl

    Beautiful! Beautiful!


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