Taking Cover

December 9, 2009 | 26 comments

Ribbons of snow swirl across our harvested fields, and over these Iowa country roads. Our corner of this world is brush-stroked in white, until you can barely see where Earth’s curve meets winter sky.

On this day, the world outside the glass shivers. Bunnies scamper and crisscross for shelter. Pheasants shake and peck, gathering wing-to-wing as they bed down to face this storm.

And as I watch nature move over frozen Earth, I am reminded:

This is how we celebrate Christmas.
We run for cover.

We seek a safe hiding place, in from the cold.
Even when this stormy world has run out of room
for those of us who follow a Star
We find a safe place beside a manger.
This is the Good News:
a Person wrapped in swaddling clothes
a Person wrapping us in Love.

We find shelter beneath His Wings this Christmas … and every day. Here, it is always warm.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
— Psalm 91:1

O Father, on this day, as a winter storm churns over this frozen world, we run in from the cold. Storms rage all around us, but we find a safe hiding place in you. We close our eyes and lift hearts to You, the God-Man who is both the Gift and the Giver all year ’round. We love you. Amen.

Photos: Girls with wings scamper for cover after a Mama-led photo-shoot for our Sunday School Christmas program. My Anna, 5, raises arms in praise and leans into her sweet friend. (May we all have friends to lean into as we lift voices to the King of kings!)

Photos used by permission from my real-life friend, Angie, whom I lean into regularly…

holy experience

Each Wednesday, I join Ann Voskamp and her community as we explores spiritual practices that draw us nearer to His heart. This week, we begin to explore how we celebrate Christmas traditions. You may visit her community by clicking here or by going here: www.aholyexperience.com.

by | December 9, 2009 | 26 comments


  1. Doug Spurling

    As I read your post winter winds blow snowy tornados outside my window, your words like a crackling fire bring warmth and peace as if in the eye of the storm.

    And those angels … precious.

  2. Bina @ Bina's Pad

    We in Southern Cali get lots of warm snow…sometimes called "rain" by those who don't believe in the magic of the winter wetness…but I pray that as you watch that snow fall and blanket the world in freshness, your heart is blessed, filled and renewed, my beautiful friend!
    Thanks for this breath of fresh, winter air this morning!

  3. Jennifer

    Beneath His Wings, here it is always warm. These words couldn't be more true and couldn't be more beautiful! Your angel picture are priceless! 🙂

  4. elizabeth

    The photos are amazing…and Psalm 91 is a life line chapter…the 911 of the Bible!

  5. Monica Sharman

    Oh this is so awesome.
    Those photos!
    I am worshipping!

  6. jasonS

    Yes and amen! Beautiful pictures too. 🙂

  7. Darlene

    You never let me down with your beautiful word pictures. The snow has arrived here, and I love how your words stir up the wind!

  8. Valerie Lynn

    Oh what a beautiful reminder of the birth of our Lord and Savior and what His birth did for us. Simply beautiful Jennifer. Keep sharing the light my friend.

  9. Kay

    Jennifer, How very lovely! I am just crazy about your writing style. It feels so soft, unhurried, purposeful, and gentle. And your message comes across bright and clear in such a soothing and unoffensive voice. Beautiful!

    Thank you for reminding us that indeed we have a God who shelters us in His soft and protective wings. I have always loved that particular imagery in the Bible. I guess we women can especially identify with that character trait of our God.

    PS – Precious pictures!

  10. Shaunie Friday @ Up the Sunbeam

    The pictures are beautiful and your words absolutely sing! I know those Iowa winters and your descriptions bring them all back in crystal blue perfection!! What you wrote is a wonderful mix of crunchy snow underfoot and the toasty warmth of being inside, looking out. He is indeed a place of warm refuge from life's icy bluster. Thank you for this!!


  11. Beth E.

    I've been running for cover a lot, lately. What a comfort it is to find shelter and protection under His wings.

  12. Glynn

    I think this is what we call "snow angels." The sheer joy on those little faces…

  13. Graceful

    You have an amazing gift for lyrical description. I am right there with you in this frozen, snowy world — we are buried under more than a foot here in Nebraska!

    Love those angel photos, by the way — beautiful!

  14. Lisa notes...

    I love the pics; just adorable.

    "We run for cover." What a concept! I will think more about what it means to me this Advent. Thanks for provoking the thoughts.

  15. Amber

    aww those are beautiful angels. 😀

  16. Andrea

    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  17. Rose

    Jennifer your absolutely beautiful post is only eclipsed by the beautiful "angels' in your photos. The photos are amazing! Well done.

  18. Karen

    This is one of the most beautiful posts I have read today…my heart is full…the pictures are precious!

  19. sharilyn

    bee-yoo-tee-fulllll! wow. what a wonderful, magical, heart-filling post! and that last picture– priceless and precious!! i can't help but going back to it over and over! (you should blow it up and hang it in your home!!)

    such joy and delight!

  20. Jennifer

    I need to run for cover this week. The white billows of paper (not snow) threaten to cover me. Thanks for reminding me I do have a choice to go to my Father's wings. I love the pic of your daughter "falling back" into her friend. Priceless.

  21. ~*Michelle*~

    Not sure what is more beautiful……the words you spoke or the photos that capture so many emotions with me.

    I'll call it a tie and just say thank you for blessing me this morning with this incredible post.

  22. Shirley

    A beautiful post for the season and such charming pictures to accompany it!

  23. Deborah Ann

    We just had 6 feet of snow prettify our world here.

    I love your take on God's heavenly kisses, and the sweet pictures of the angels…

  24. Laura

    Amazingly beautiful. Did I ever fly like that?

  25. sparrowwatch.wordpress.com

    so very precious….

    I am blessed. Through your gentle words, you allow us to 'lean in' as well. A sweet gift indeed…

    Merry Christmas.

  26. travelmom

    Oh yes -I like to "run for cover"- and the pictures are darling!


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