What Are You Waiting For?

December 1, 2011 | 7 comments


Folks on the prayer chain say the old farmer’s dying. It’s a matter of time — a matter of waiting, expectant waiting. And here we are, both of us in the quiet, waiting for Jesus.

To continue reading, will you follow me over to Faith Radio Net? 

{This Advent, what are we really waiting for? … Click here to read the rest of the story …} 


Some Advent resources for you:

• So, maybe you’re wondering, what is Advent anyway? Mark D. Roberts offers a thoughtful explanation here at beliefnet.

• Ann Voskamp shares a beautiful story about Advent over at The High Calling. “Power plays and big takeovers, it’s the way the world and Wall Street turns. But God, when He comes, He shows up in this fetal ball,” Ann writes.

• Writer Charity Singleton is sharing stories about Advent all month long, as well as hosting a writing project about Advent. Check it out, over at her blog.

• Writer Duane Scott is unwrapping promises through the Advent season over at his blog. He has some beautiful free downloads for you each day.

Do you have other Advent resources you’d like to share? Feel free to drop a link in the comment box.

How do you celebrate Advent?  


by | December 1, 2011 | 7 comments


  1. David Rupert

    I am starting over in many respects. My traditions however are what tie me to the past, even though the people who created them are now gone.

  2. S. Etole

    Lots of good links to check out here. Heading over for the rest of the story first.

  3. Megan Willome

    Just read it. There is something holy about waiting at a bedside.

  4. Simple Darlene

    HEY YOU!! Been missing you all like crazy…

    I got so excited that I remembered how to log-in to the comments that I forgot what I just read. Alrighty then, we are celebrating Advent with the Jesse Tree, each other, and lots of time together in God’s Word.


  5. Amy Sullivan

    Honestly, I have been looking for some good Advent resources and then what do I find?

    Thank you for putting these together. Going to check out Duane’s printables.

  6. Lori

    Wow, Jennifer, this is a truly beautiful post, and you are right, we are all dying. Some sooner than later, but we have a future and a hope with Him! This is what Advent is all about….I am checking out those links now 🙂

  7. Janet



    We ARE all expectantly waiting for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Thanks so much for this reminder.


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